August 8, 2014
Yesterday I received an order form a returning customer, Patrick Boyce.
This piqued my interest since I am always wanting to know what customers really feel about Royal-Lac. Moreover here was a customer who was going for it again! Good and encouraging news for me! So I decided to send him an email and ask for more feedback.
Here is what he wrote back: “I used Royal Lac on my 10th guitar. I have previously tried Robbie O’Brien’s french polish, Tru Oil and KTM 9 finishes. I love everything about Royal Lac and it is now my ” go to ” choice. Here are a couple of pics.”
Now, this is very gratifying and I will leave it up to you look at the photos that he sent.
August 12, 2014
************************ CALLING ALL CANADIAN CUSTOMERS *****************************
Quite often I have been asked by many of you if I can ship Royal-Lac and Seal-Lac to Canada. My answer unfortunately has been that even though I can, the cost is prohibitive since both items are classified as Hazardous Materials.
Well that has changed!! At last I was able to get the right information from FeDex with regards to shipping Ground Service to Canada. It is POSSIBLE. YEAH!!
Therefore if you live in Canada and would like to buy Royal-Lac or Seal-Lac, simply send an email to with the quantity required. I will do a quick check for shipping cost and get back to you with the estimate. If you wish to go ahead with the order, a PayPal invoice will be sent. Once payment is completed, products will ship every Tuesday and Friday of the week.
I did a check this morning for shipping a 5.0 lbs package to Quebec from San Diego, CA and the shipping was about $38 to a Commercial address. Therefore I am sure that for shipping a jar or two, the cost is going to be more or less the same as a US domestic Ground shipment.
August 15, 2014
Ed and I have been discussing Royal-Lac application on his guitar for some time. Both of us trying to find ways to reduce time and labor. It is always a pleasure talking to him. There is so much to learn by just having an open communication!
This afternoon I received an email from him. I’ll stop here and let you soak in the beauty;
I enjoyed our recent conversations and appreciate your help and opinions. I think we see eye-to-eye on how to simplify the guitar finishing procedure (labor and time) and still achieve excellent results. I have another guitar build under way and will order some more Royal Lac for it shortly and try the procedure.
When the new owner picked up the guitar he said that he had never seen a finish that looked so deep and rich. I could see myself clearly in the finish.
I promised some pictures and there are a few attached herewith. If you want more pictures they can be found on this PHOTOBUCKET link here: